100th Anniversary

 Eleven men gathered in Eatonia on December 26, 1918 and formed what would become St Paul Lutheran Church. These founders were: Simon Eberle, John Gabel, Karl Gabel, Simon Kelm, John Klettke, A Krueger, Jacob Martin, Juilius Neuls, Gottleib Radies, Gustav Radies and Andrew Zwick. These men will always be champions to us all.

2018 marks our 100th anniversary and on August 4th & 5th a celebration was held to pay homage to this special edifice. The church itself had displays from the past for members to view over the weekend.

A supper was held at the Eatonia Community Centre on the Saturday evening. 221 people enjoyed a great meal prepared by the Eatonia Catering Club and volunteers. Former Pastor Eugene Mau said the grace. The evening included videos in the life of the church. Jan and Ron Becker very ably kept the evening of memories moving along so all could enjoy. There was, as you can imagine, a tremendous amount of visiting taking place as old friends met to honor their church.

Carl Miller, born on November 8, 1917, was presented with a special merit award as the oldest living member of this congregation.

On Sunday, August 5th, a church service of close to 200 people was held with former Pastors G Buckley and E. Kiesman, Thomas Nosterud in attendance. Current pastors Peter Walker and Lynne Resch presided over the service.

Following church, a delicious brunch was served at the Eatonia Community Centre with well over 220 people attending. The brunch was prepared and served by Brenda Hoffman and her crew. Brenda and Veronica Longmuir spearheaded the committee for the weekend events.

We thank them for a very successful offering.

People from BC to Ontario attended this anniversary and from all reports, a successful celebration took place. Not only the numbers who were there point to its success but the general feeling of well-being and renewed comradeship was at a high level.

Part of the congregation at the anniversary service.

Children gathered at the church for their special message
delivered by former Pastor Thomas Nosterud.

100th Anniversary cake.

Part of the crowd at the Saturday supper.

Carl Miller accepting his award.

Former Pastor Gary Buckley and current Pastor Peter Walker.

Part of the congregation at the Sunday service.

Part of the congregation outside the church.

Part of the congregation outside the church.

Bev Cumiskey Radons and her brother Garry, children
of former Pastor F. Radons, 1952-1957.

Children gathered for former Pastor 
Thomas Nosterud's special message.

Former Pastor Buckley.

click on any photo to expand
photos courtesy Brenda Hoffman

Early Lutheran congregations had been already established in the La Porte and Cornfeld districts. In those early years, the Lutherans around the town of Eaton, as it was then known, also sensed the need to come together as people of God to form a congregation.

On December 26, 1918, an organizational meeting was held under the direction of Rev. P. Hack of LaPorte, at which time a congregation named St Paul Lutheran Church was formed.

Families involved in this decision were Simon Eberle, Jacob Martin, Andrew Zwick, Simon Kelm, John Klettke, A. Krueger, John Gabel, Julius Nuels, Karl Gabel, Gustav Radies, and Gottlieb Radies.

In honour of the upcoming 100th Anniversary of St Paul Lutheran Church (Eatonia, Saskatchewan) along with its connected church Peace Lutheran Church (Laporte), Ron Nunweiler has compiled original film footage that was taken by his father Phil Nunweiler.
A Greeting from Pastor Carol Dennison