Monday, June 27, 2022

Tuesday After School Group

A new venture in the life of the church took place on 7 consecutive Tuesdays from May 3, 2022 through June 14, 2022.

The Tuesday After School Group (TASH) was geared towards those students ages 5 and up. As the name suggests, it ran in the after school period until 5 PM.

It was open to all students regardless of their church affiliation. While it was suggested by St Paul, we invited the United Church, in particular, Marie Smith, to act as co coordinator.

Each session began with a hearty treat for these hungry youngsters who had just spent the day in class. Fresh fruit, cookies and/or cup cakes and treats like fruit pops were available. Then a well designed craft project took place. This was followed by games and even a park visit. The activities ended with a more quiet period of stories and songs.

It was well attended with 28 registered and a top attendance number of 24.

On the final Tuesday, June 14th, Certificates of Participation, were presented along with bible related books to all 28 registrants . Family and friends were invited for the closing ceremony and ice cream was enjoyed by all.

St Paul thanks all those involved including the volunteers and especially Marie Smith and her Eatonia-Manrtario United Church group.