Sunday, November 19, 2017


St. Paul hosted the marriage of Matthew Hoffman and Rianne Auckland on June 23, 2018. Pastor Peter Walker was officiand. The reception followed at the Eatonia Community Hall.


Oliver Albert Hoffman
Baptized, June 17th, 2018


On June 10th, 28 quilts were blessed. 5 of them were selected for a display at the upcoming anniversary, and the other 23 are packed up and will be sent to Canadian Lutheran World Relief in Winnipeg via Home Hardware in Saskatoon. Eventually they will be sent to an African country. A special thanks to all who were so selfless in the quilting project.


Anita and Clint Hoffman welcomed the arrival of their son, Oliver Albert, on April 12, 2018.
We at St. Paul Lutheran welcome him too!

On Sunday, April 1st, St. Paul was host to a confirmation performed by Pastor Peter. Rianne Auckland, who will be married to Matthew Hoffman on June 23rd at this church, had her adult confirmation. Congratulations Rianne, and welcome to St. Paul

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Carl Miller celebrated his 100th birthday on Nov 8th and was feted at an afternoon function at the EOL in Eatonia where several of his friends stopped by for birthday cake.

Another group joined Carl for dinner At the Eatonia Family Restaurant to honor him on this special birthday. Earlier in the day Carl attended the Remembrance Day Services at Eaton School where the entire gathering sang a rousing Happy Birthday to him.

It was quite a day for Carl and he said one that he will never forget.